How hard will I be spanked?
– No one is ever spanked beyond their comfort level. Before any shoot is ever filmed, we talk at great length about your personal limits and expectations. Ideally, once your comfort level increases you will allow us to guide you to a place in which you a harder spanking is administered. At the very least, you can indeed expect a pink bottom, but your safety and personal limitations are the priority.

I can take a very hard spanking, will this pay more?
-Absolutely! We strive to create the most authentic spanking videos possible. Hard spankings are what our viewers request to see the most. The harder a spanking you are willing to tolerate, the higher pay scale you will be working under.

Who will be spanking me?
-We have a variety of people that play the role of the spanker. The constant factor, is that all of our spankers have a great deal of experience spanking. They are very good at what they do and are able to read a person’s limits very well. We have both male and female spankers and should you show a preference for a certain gender, we can easily accommodate your request. Remember, your comfort level is considered at all times.
What if during my spanking it hurts more than I thought it would and want to stop?
-All shoots involve the use of a safeword. This is a prearranged word that you are given and can use to stop a session at anytime. As a result of good communication before a shoot, we rarely hear a safeword during a spanking.
How much money can I really make doing this?
– See the Payment page.
I have always had a specific spanking fantasy, could this be incorporated into a video shoot?
-Within reason, in most cases we can help you to fulfill your spanking fantasy. Our spankers are very experienced in a wide variety of scenes and are very effective at creating a very realistic experience.

Will there be any sex involved?
-Absolutely not! We do not film any videos that involve anything other than spanking. There will be absolutely no sexual contact of any kind during a shoot. The only contact that is personal in nature is a hand on a bare bottom.

What do you need from me in order to make this happen?
-Any model must provide proof of age (18 or older) and sign a model release. These are Federal record keeping requirements. All model information is kept highly confidential and your name would never be used or given out in any context.
I would like to try this, but am nervous to do it alone. Could a friend and I do it together?

How do I get started?
– Please see our contact page for further details on getting in touch with us.