First and foremost, we need to stress that while we film content that is of an adult nature, there is absolutely no sex, sexual contact, or even kissing in any of our videos. If you are looking to do “porn” then we are not the company for you. Our focus is 100% on providing spanking content for adults out there that like to view such content. With the exception of someone’s hand spanking a “naughty” girl’s bottom, there is no person to person contact or any other form of intimacy.
The typical model that shoots for us is attractive, height/weight proportionate, and typically between the ages of 18 and 30. We are not looking for seasoned adult actresses, as our typical model has never done any “adult” work before. Our models are everyday girls, with a large percentage being college students looking to make a little extra money on the side. A single shoot with us, generally pays about the same as two weeks of work at a typical part-time job.

We are looking for open minded girls, who are willing to be spanked. Yes, spanking, as that is all we do. Maybe you were spanked growing up and it is no big deal to you, or maybe find the thought of being spanked a little exciting, maybe you just know that you can take a pretty good spanking and it seems like maybe a good way to make a few extra bucks. Either way, we provide a safe and professional environment in which you can earn quite a bit of money if you are willing to take a good spanking.
The focuses of our scenes are fairly realistic spankings administered in a variety of environments. While there is some role play and/or light acting involved, we do not do “mommy/daughter” or “daddy/daughter” type spankings, nor we would ever ask a model to portray a minor. We do focus a lot on school girl scenarios, naughty girlfriend, out of control college student, etc. The intensity of the spanking is fully dictated by you and what your personal limits are. Please browse throughout this website for more on “safe words”, personal limits, and our expectations of our models. We are proud to say that every single model that has ever shot for us has always returned for another shoot.